I guess I'm writing this post to everyone who's struggling with test. Because I'm not lying...I am!!
We can all learn from each other and I think its important to be open and honest. When I first discovered that I failed BEC by 6 stupid points I had to leave work early. I remember leaving work early, it was hot as hell that day and my eyes kept welling up with tears. I remember that day meeting my cousin for lunch. I really wanted to cancel our lunch date but I couldn't because he was already on his way. I just randomly checked my score and low and behold 69!!!
I called my Mom and the cracking in my voice said it all. I then told my cousin and he said don't worry you will pass just don't give up.
Then there's REG. I studied hard for that one too. But looking back I should have done more multiple choice questions in individual taxes. Well anyway that was a 63!!!
Enough rambling....
So how do I deal with disappointment?
I just think of the end result. How will feel when my initials are accompanied by CPA?
I will feel like the ish..( I know I know...I have to be humble...but I will feel like the ish...lol)
I was listening to some Kanye West song ( I don't remember the song because he's not my favorite person to talk about) and one verse said " Too whom much is given much is tested". If that ain't the TRUTH!!! Because I'm being tested right now. But you know what? I'll never forget this test. I constantly remind myself that this journey will lead me to the gold.
I also keep positive people around me. Its so much better to have positive reinforcements when you sometimes doubt yourself. I've never been a person who did bad in academics. I wasn't an A+ student but I made the Deans list frequently and I received scholarships. So this right here...is not like me. But I'll tell you one thing...it's humbling. Everyday I come home and I'm putting this test at the top of my list. I'm working MQ's on the train on the way to work. I'm reading on the way home and still doing MQ's. I make sure to take good notes and I make sure I know why I got a question wrong. I'm not a failure and I've never gave up on anything in my life and I won't start now!
So for everyone trying to make it through how do you keep going?
I failed Audit and w/ a 56 and that's after passing BEC & FAR! I saw my score at work and didn't know whether to laugh or cry because it was so bad. I ended up going to the bathroom and crying though. Honestly I knew I didn't put forth the same study effort for Audit as I did the other exams. That night I had some wine and went to bed at 9pm. The next day I regrouped and rescheduled REG and paid for the AUD retake. I also started studying in the same manner that I did for the exams that I passed.
ReplyDeleteI'm at the point now that I've covered the material of all 4 exams and I just really want my life back! That more than anything is what is keeping me motivated and focused on passing the exam.
I feel you. I just want my life back. This test can really get to you and it can leave you second guessing yourself. But this too shall pass!!
ReplyDeleteIt's okay to cry and whine about for say a day or two but then gotta get up and put yourself back into gear and figure out what can you do you differently to pass. I got a 72 on REG back in FEB and I was devastated. I thought I nailed REG since I am a tax accountant! Well the Business Law got me, so I got Yaeger (prev used Becker) and it helped me. (I don't know my score yet on the 2nd retake). Yeah I was depressed all week when I found out my 72, and in fact it was during tax season so when I saw my score at the office I couldn't go home, but I did leave to the bathroom like you because I didn't anyone to see me. lol. Its definitely tough, but realize you are closer to passing, just need that extra push, and don't be afraid to use the resources out there (message boards, cpa candidates, CPAs, friends) to get any of your questions answered. We are all in this together. You Can Do It!