Ok I'm tired as a mutha and I need some sleep. So I'll try to be detailed...
So basically I took a practice test (a full 90 questions) and got a freaking 67% (dayummmm) can I get out the 60's please??? I took another little test (only 25 questions) and got a 76% (but that is just barely passing)
Anyway, what really pisses me off is that when I go over my wrong questions I just want to kick myself. Most of the time its not that I dont' know it. It's that I read the question wrong or I rushed through it.
I've been making a flash card for those questions that stumped me and for those questions that take me a while to answer. I'm planning on taking atleast two more practice tests before 10-30. These flash cards have really really helped me. I go through them atleast once a day.
The Wiley book said I should be getting 80's on the test.
I'm going to watch the full ROGER Cram again before my test. That's just going to be so that I can pound in the materials and this weekend I'm planning on re writing my notes (old and new) and taking another practice test (probably Sunday)
Anyway I can't think straight now because I'm so beat.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated and good luck to everyone taking the test.
What are u using for your practice tests? Gleim?When I used gleim for bec practice tests, I was getting so low that I remember crying because it was a week before my exam and Iwas getting low 60s. :(I ended up passing though.
ReplyDeleteSassy, Good luck on your exam! Keep us updated :)
ReplyDeleteFunny picture. LOL.
btw my address (not sure if updated is: http://mynameisnano.blogspot.com/
Awww thanks everyone! I've been out of the blogosphere for a little. I was trying to really stay focused. Thanks it really means alot!