Sunday, August 29, 2010


0 for 2. I checked my REG score when I was at the library yesterday and I got a 63. I really thought I had it down to a tee. But I guess not. I had my pity party yesterday and my feelings of inadequacy but I'm back to the old me and ready to grind it out. I just need to get my score report back and figure out where I went wrong. I've been really trying to focus on studying so I've been neglecting the blog, but I'll try to get better. So now I have BEC tomorrow. I'm feeling good. But I said the same thing about REG. So I'm going to bed at a reasonable time tonight and then I'm going to get up at 4 or 4:30 tomorrow and try to get some more studying in. I'm so determined to tackle the beast but can I atleast get one passing score for some confidence................??????


  1. If you want to pass focus on the CPA Exam ..stop watching Ray William and his epic comedy or any other videos and time waste stuff ..good luck , by the way I had this problem too.. But I get rid of those..

    Focus is the key word okay

  2. LOL...Honestly your right. I'm really making this my one and only focus now.


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