It's that time again and its Me and BEC.
I'm a week ahead of my schedule which is great! I did what I had to do so that my Becker live class could be a review today.
Can I just say that Becker gets two thumbs DOWN from me when it comes to cost accounting. The way that they explain cost accounting is just really bad (that's just my opinion). Thank goodness for my old notes or else I would be royally screwed.
Other than that my studies are going good. My REG score should be coming out in about a week and a half and my nerves are already bad. I'm freaking out already. I don't know if I'm going to check my score before or after BEC. Checking scores before another exam can be a serious confidence boost or killer. I do feel pretty good about REG but I still have that doubt in me ( I know I know thats not good...but I do).
This weeks plan is to cover B2 and B3. There are 520 homework questions O_0. That means that I will be studying during lunch atleast 4 days and on Saturday.
I am with you, I fail BEC with Becker. I am trying Rogers this time.