Sunday, March 6, 2011

Study Tip #1- Set a Goal

I've been thinking about starting a feature on my blog. I wanted this feature to be something that I can speak upon and can relate to. So without further ado I'm introducing weekly study tips. These are study tips that I use or have learned from others.

When I first started studying I didn't have a plan. All I knew was that I had to study. I was jumping all over the book. I didn't have a focus and I had no direction. Looking back on it now, that was a BIG mistake.

Now I know the importance of setting daily/weekly goals. I prepare my weekly goal setting on Sunday's. I map out what I need to cover for the week. I also keep my goals REALISTIC. I don't set a goal that is unattainable (i.e. answer 2,500 questions today). Setting goals gives me a sense of accomplishment and I also don't feel overwhelmed.

The most important thing to remember when setting your goal is to STICK TO IT!. What is the point of a goal if your not going to stick to it. If your not sticking to your goal then its not a goal, its a possibility. Possibilities won't get you to pass on the CPA exam. I will admit that sometimes I may set a goal and I may fall short. For example I may say that I want to answer 50 questions and my brain is so fried that I only answer 30. In situations like this I still feel like I accomplished something. Yes I didn't meet my goal but I didn't totally ignore it and I did make an effort to get close. I will say that when that does happen I make it my business to make up for it.

So this week's study tip is to ****SET A GOAL AND STICK TO IT****

You will see how much you accomplished and how better prepared you are by doing it.

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